Psychology & Psychiatry

Are you sabotaging your sex life?

(HealthDay)—Research confirms that a good sex life is a key to strong feelings of intimacy and satisfaction for both partners in a relationship.


Inside the mind of a young person

Our brains begin to form in the womb but continue to take shape into adolescence. In a series of articles, we look at how the latest research could help us support children's development, helping them overcome learning disorders ...


Holding infants—or not—can leave traces on their genes

The amount of close and comforting contact between infants and their caregivers can affect children at the molecular level, an effect detectable four years later, according to new research from the University of British Columbia ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Climate change's toll on mental health

When people think about climate change, they probably think first about its effects on the environment, and possibly on their physical health. But climate change also takes a significant toll on mental health, according to ...

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