
The secret to a younger brain may lie in exercising your body

It is widely recognised that our physical fitness is reflected in our mental fitness, especially as we get older. How does being physically fit affect our aging brains? Neuroimaging studies, in which the activity of different ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Q&A: How owning pets can lead to a healthier lifestyle

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I have been working from home as a result of COVID-19. The adjustment has been difficult, and created a lot of stress and strain on my mental and physical health. I find that I spend much of my time in front ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Excess screen time impacting teen mental health

Teens need to regularly switch screen time for physical activity for the sake of their health and mental wellbeing, according to a University of Queensland-led study.


Restoring health and fitness with exercise

If COVID-19 restrictions have kept you home exercising less and eating more, it could be affecting your health as could the stress, boredom and isolation of this time. Exercise can help.


Older people getting smarter, but not fitter

Older populations are scoring better on cognitive tests than people of the same age did in the past —a trend that could be linked to higher education rates and increased use of technology in our daily lives, say IIASA population ...

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