
Classifying disabilities tricky at Paralympics

(AP)—Double-amputee runner Oscar Pistorius, probably the biggest star of the upcoming Paralympics, hasn't been able to skip one of the games' biggest bureaucratic hurdles: the disability classification system.


Neuroscientists demonstrate flexibility of innate behavior

Some behaviors that are crucial to survival appear to be hard-wired, meaning that they occur without previous experience. For example, many prey organisms naturally know how to escape to safety from perceived threats. However, ...


How antibiotics interact with each other

It is usually difficult to predict how well drugs will work when they are combined. Sometimes, two antibiotics increase their effect and inhibit the growth of bacteria more efficiently than expected. In other cases, the combined ...


A 'compass' in the brain to navigate thoughts

A new discovery by the University of Trento on the analogies between moving in the physical and conceptual space: the brain has cells that act as a navigation system, but also has cells that function as a sort of compass. ...

Arthritis & Rheumatism

Osteoarthritis: Unveiling complex mechanisms and immune influences

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), this musculoskeletal disorder affects approximately 1.71 billion people globally. Osteoarthritis is a condition where cartilage gradually breaks down, and joint bones are ...

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