
Using smart sensors to ensure vaccine safety

In most methods used today, clinical trials designed to evaluate the safety of a new drug or vaccine employ self-report questionnaires, asking participants how they feel before and after receiving the treatment. A new study ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Don't bet on stinginess to keep stress low

Is generosity less stressful than being stingy? QUT research, published in scientific journal PLOS ONE, examined the physiological reactions of participants in a financial bargaining game and found that not only those receiving ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Protecting the mental state of health care workers

Nurses help millions of people address their physical and mental health. But who makes sure the nurses' health is taken care of? Dr. Farzan Sasangohar, associate professor in the Wm Michael Barnes '64 Department of Industrial ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Voting causes stress: study

As the United States nears another election day, researchers at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) have determined scientifically, for the first time, that voting is a stressful event, inducing measurable hormonal changes.