
Re-framing the placebo effect and informed consent

(Medical Xpress)—Imagine that your doctor knows from evidence-based studies that if he tells you about certain, small side-effects to a particular drug, you are significantly more likely to experience that side effect than ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Treatment-related pain may be 'socially contagious'

An individual's experience of pain from medical treatment can be heightened by witnessing other people's responses to the same treatment, with this negative experience subsequently spreading to others, scientists have discovered.


Ketamine's effect on depression may hinge on hope

In study after study, the psychoactive drug ketamine has given profound and fast relief to many people suffering from severe depression. But these studies have a critical shortcoming: Participants usually can tell whether ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

No benefit in common shoulder treatment over placebo, finds study

A saline injection treatment widely used for calcific tendinopathy—a common, painful condition caused by a build-up of calcium in the rotator cuff tendons of the shoulder—provides no meaningful benefit over placebo, concludes ...

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