Medical research

Surprising new role for lungs—making blood

Using video microscopy in the living mouse lung, UC San Francisco scientists have revealed that the lungs play a previously unrecognized role in blood production. As reported online March 22, 2017 in Nature, the researchers ...

Medical research

Single drug, soft environment can increase platelet production

(Medical Xpress) -- Humans produce billions of clot-forming platelets every day, but there are times when there aren’t enough of them, such as with certain diseases or during invasive surgery. Now, University of Pennsylvania ...

Medical research

Challenging our understanding of how platelets are made

Platelets are uniquely mammalian cells, and are the small cells of the blood that are critical for us to stop bleeding when we cut ourselves. They are also a central part of the process of thrombosis, which underlies heart ...


Promacta approval expanded to kids with rare blood disorder

(HealthDay)—U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval of the drug Promacta (eltrombopag) has been expanded to include children one year and older with a rare blood disorder called chronic immune thrombocytopenic purpura ...

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