
Beyond clotting: Revealing the extensive role of platelets

As a graduate student studying molecular cardiology at the Cleveland Clinic/Case Western Reserve University, John Hwa, MD, Ph.D., professor of medicine (cardiovascular medicine), found himself in an environment where many ...

Medical research

How a burn could change your blood

UWA scientists have discovered a surprising and significant link between burn injuries and heart disease.


Molecular mechanism of cerebral venous thrombosis discovered

Cerebral venous thrombosis is a rare, often severe disease that has been brought to public attention by the COVID 19 pandemic. A research group from Würzburg has now succeeded for the first time in deciphering a molecular ...

Medical research

THC in cannabis may reduce platelet function

Using marijuana may lead to platelet dysfunction, according to a new study in nonhuman primates. Platelets, a component of blood, play a role in maintaining blood vessel (vascular) health and aid wound healing and placental ...

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