
Link discovered between immune system, brain structure and memory

In two independent studies, scientists at the University of Basel have demonstrated that both the structure of the brain and several memory functions are linked to immune system genes. The scientific journals Nature Communications ...


Want OxyContin in China? Pain pill addicts get drugs online

China has some of the strictest regulation of opioids in the world, but OxyContin and other pain pills are sold illegally online by vendors that take advantage of China's major e-commerce and social media sites, including ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Even brief abstinence from social media causes withdrawal symptoms

In many cases, just a seven-day break from social media platforms such as Facebook and WhatsApp is sufficient to induce withdrawal symptoms like those caused by addictive substances. This is the conclusion of a study by Austrian ...


Take advantage of at-home workouts

If you work from home, are on a time crunch, or you just don't enjoy the gym, exercising at home will allow you to break a sweat effectively. Find workouts that challenge you based on your fitness level and incorporate them ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Does social media influence your physical activity levels?

As concerns are being raised about how social media influences young people's perceptions of their body image, sports scientists at Bangor University as asking whether and how social media affects our participation in physical ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

The complicated relationship between social media and depression

Over the past decade, social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter have become a central part of everyday life. Despite their massive popularity, however, controversy abounds regarding their impact on mental health and ...

Medical research

Scientists identify synthetic mini-antibody to combat COVID-19

The ability of SARS-CoV-2 to infect cells depends on interactions between the viral spike protein and the human cell surface protein ACE2. To enable the virus to hook onto the cell surface, the spike protein binds ACE2 using ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Does social media depression in young people really exist?

The term 'Facebook depression' has been coined to explain the potentially negative impact of social media on young people. It describes the depressive symptoms which can occur when young people spend a great amount of time ...

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The word platform is used in several different contexts, usually referring to some kind of standing surface used to support things, give them stability, or visibility:

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