Medical research

Triangulation across data sources to understand COVID-19

One test of both the power and hunger of any individual or organization is the ability to master any and every new, sufficiently advanced technological opportunity that urgently presents itself to the world at large. For ...

Oncology & Cancer

AI platform enhances lung cancer diagnosis accuracy

A team of researchers from the University of Cologne's Faculty of Medicine and University Hospital Cologne, led by Dr. Yuri Tolkach and Professor Dr. Reinhard Büttner, has created a digital pathology platform based on artificial ...

Health informatics

Study traces an infectious language epidemic

"Sticks and stones may break my bones," the old adage goes. "But words will never hurt me." Tell that to Eugenia Rho, assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science, and she will show you extensive data that prove ...

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The word platform is used in several different contexts, usually referring to some kind of standing surface used to support things, give them stability, or visibility:

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