Oncology & Cancer

Hunting down the mutations that cause cancer drug resistance

Using a virus to purposely mutate genes that produce cancer-driving proteins could shed light on the resistance that inevitably develops to cancer drugs that target them, a new study led by UT Southwestern scientists suggests. ...

Medical research

Cholesterol levels sustainably lowered using base editing

Base editing is a novel gene editing approach that can precisely change individual building blocks in a DNA sequence. By installing such a point mutation in a specific gene, an international research team led by the University ...

Medical research

New therapeutic approaches for SARS-CoV-2

Medicine has two things to offer when viral pandemics hit: vaccines and therapeutics. While it is hard to undervalue the noble goal of rapidly developing and rolling out safe vaccines that effectively reduce disease severity, ...

Oncology & Cancer

Stopping cancer from recruiting immune system double agents

Cancerous tumors trick myeloid cells, an important part of the immune system, into perceiving them as a damaged part of the body; the tumors actually put myeloid cells to work helping them grow and metastasize (spread). A ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Gene mutation linked to reckless drunken behavior

University of Helsinki researchers have identified a genetic mutation which renders carriers susceptible to particularly impulsive and reckless behaviour when drunk. More than one hundred thousand Finns carry this mutation.

Oncology & Cancer

New plan of attack in cancer fight

New research conducted by Harvard scientists is laying out a road map to one of the holy grails of modern medicine: a cure for cancer.

Oncology & Cancer

Loss of tumor suppressor SPOP releases cancer potential of SRC-3

Mutations in a protein called SPOP (speckle-type POZ protein) disarm it, allowing another protein called steroid receptor coactivator-3 (SRC-3) to encourage the proliferation and spread of prostate cancer cells, said researchers ...

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