UN reports progress against HIV in poor countries

(AP) — A push to get more AIDS treatment to the world's poorest, hardest-hit countries is paying off as deaths inch down — and new infections are dropping a bit, too, the United Nations reported Wednesday.


Expanding waistlines threaten planet: researchers

If the human race keeps growing fatter at American rates, the Earth may face a rise in food demand equal to that of nearly a billion extra people, British researchers warned on Monday.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Measles kills 12 children in Pakistan tribal area

A measles outbreak has killed 12 children in one of Pakistan's lawless tribal districts and is spreading as fighting, power cuts and curfews cause a vaccine shortage, doctors said Monday.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Pneumococcal disease: More cases but fewer deaths

The vaccine given to children to immunise against serious pneumococcal disease does not offer full protection, reveals research from the Sahlgrenska Academy at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, finding that the number ...


Counterfeit drugs becoming big business worldwide

(AP) -- The discovery that a fake version of the widely used cancer medicine Avastin is circulating in the United States is raising new fears that the multibillion-dollar drug-counterfeiting trade is increasingly making ...


India's global pharmacy role threatened by EU pact

(AP) -- Efforts by India and the European Union to strengthen trade are threatening India's ability to deliver lifesaving medicines to the world's poorest, analysts say as the two sides push through protracted negotiations ...

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