Overweight & Obesity

Role of stress, sleep highlighted in study of obesity

(HealthDay)—Stress is associated with impaired sleep and increased emotional rewarding of palatable foods, which may lead to obesity, according to research published online Aug. 28 in Obesity Reviews.


Get a better night's sleep

On Wednesday, the University Medicine Zurich research network presented its new flagship project SleepLoop. With this project, the researchers want to tackle one of the most widespread health challenges of our times – a ...


When to seek help for memory loss

Everyone forgets things at times. How often have you misplaced your cellphone or car keys? Have you ever forgotten the name of a person you just met?


Poor sleep may increase risk for irregular heart rhythms

Disruptions in sleep may be raising your risks of an irregular heartbeat, known as atrial fibrillation (AF), according to preliminary research presented at the American Heart Association's Scientific Sessions 2016.


Children's sleep quality linked to mothers' insomnia

Children sleep more poorly if their mothers suffer from insomnia symptoms - potentially affecting their mental wellbeing and development - according to new research by the University of Warwick and the University of Basel.


Poor night's sleep can trigger atrial fibrillation the next day

We all know that a lousy night's sleep can leave us feeling drained the next day. Now a study by UC San Francisco has found another reason to catch more Z's: poor sleep is tied to significantly higher odds of experiencing ...

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