Medical economics

Vaccine fears 'not to blame' for low uptake among poor

Low vaccination rates in poorer countries have little to do with so-called "vaccine hesitancy" according to a study that examined access to COVID-19 tools across 14 low-income countries.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Non-communicable diseases cause 74% of global deaths: WHO

Non-communicable diseases like heart disease, cancer and diabetes are responsible for 74 percent of deaths globally and cracking down on risk factors could save millions of lives, the WHO said Wednesday.

Medical economics

Game theory approach to the donation of surplus vaccines

In a paper just published in Communications Medicine, Population Europe expert Pieter Vanhuysse (University of Southern Denmark), Adam Lampert (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Raanan Sulitzeanu-Kenan (The Hebrew University) ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

In race for monkeypox vaccines, experts see repeat of COVID

Moves by rich countries to buy large quantities of monkeypox vaccine, while declining to share doses with Africa, could leave millions of people unprotected against a more dangerous version of the disease and risk continued ...

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