Medical research

Predicting disease emergence from forest fragmentation

A Massey University team has developed new ways of predicting disease-hot spots, created by humans changing the environment, to help identify where and how society can mitigate the risk of infectious disease emergence, such ...


Engineered cornea more resistant to chemical injury

(Medical Xpress) -- A new study from the University of Reading has established that a prosthetic cornea made from human cells is the best model for testing how irritants and toxins cause eye injuries.

Medical research

Exploring obsessive-compulsive disorder in an animal model

A study published today in the journal GigaScience provides an enormous amount of behavioral data, presented in a detailed videographic virtual library, that was used to explore obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) in an animal ...


Genetic variation and the diverse range of behaviors in autism

Research in humans and animal models points to potential biological and genetic mechanisms contributing to the diversity of behaviors seen in autism. The findings were presented at Neuroscience 2022, the annual meeting of ...

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