
Time to leave leftovers at the table

If you're hoping to lose weight by just eating half of what's on your plate and saving the rest for later, you could be waiting a while.


Resisting the seduction of a buffet

(HealthDay)—Whether at a party or a restaurant, don't let a buffet be your diet downfall. With certain strategies, you can enjoy a range of choices without going overboard and without experiencing any of the usual guilt.


Docs: NYC ban on big, sugary drinks could help

(AP)—The era of the supersized cola may come to an end in New York City on Thursday, when health officials are expected to approve an unprecedented 16-ounce (470-milliliter) limit on sodas and other sugary drinks at restaurants, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

It's the last bite that keeps you coming back for more

Your memory for that last bite of a steak or chocolate cake may be more influential than memory for the first bite in determining when you want to eat it again, according to research published in Psychological Science, a ...

Overweight & Obesity

Government can play important role in obesity epidemic

Addressing the obesity epidemic by preventing excess calorie consumption with government regulation of portion sizes is justifiable and could be an effective measure to help prevent obesity-related health problems and deaths, ...


Americans don't want soda tax, size restrictions

(Medical Xpress)—Those hoping to dilute Americans' taste for soda, energy drinks, sweetened tea and other sugary beverages should take their quest to school lunchrooms rather than legislative chambers, according to a recent ...

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