Alzheimer's disease & dementia

No association between antiepileptic drug use and dementia

Epilepsy is a common neurological condition with a prevalence of around 2%. Many antiepileptic drugs are available to prevent epileptic seizures, allowing up to 80 percent of patients to become seizure-free. However, previous ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How words get an emotional meaning

Many objects and people can convey an emotional meaning. A pair of wool socks, for example, has an emotional value if it was the last thing the grandmother knitted before her death. The same applies to words. The name of ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Numerical simulation provides insights into social attitudes

A Singaporean computer scientist and his American colleague have created a computer simulation of how humans perform on a widely employed test of implicit or unconscious social attitudes, particularly racial bias.

Attention deficit disorders

Non-drug ADHD treatments don't pan out in study

(HealthDay)—Many parents pursue costly and time-consuming treatments to help their children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Now, a new study finds little evidence that non-drug interventions reduce key symptoms ...

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