
Be nice to your doctor—you may receive better care

The good news: A new Tel Aviv University study published in Pediatrics on March 7 finds that positive interactions with patients drive improved medical team performance under most conditions. The bad news: Positive interactions ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Boost kids' skills and memories with weekly game night

The winter months are an ideal time to turn your attention inward and think of how you can establish something new for your family to do together indoors. If you can find the right thing, perhaps it will become a family ritual.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Meditation adapts the brain to respond better to feedback

In a new study in the Journal of Cognitive, Affective & Behavioral Neuroscience researchers from the University of Surrey have discovered a link between meditation and how individuals respond to feedback.


Breastfeeding peer supporters need to feel valued

Voluntary peer supporters who help new mothers with breastfeeding need to feel valued by their organisation to make their service sustainable, according to a study by Plymouth University.

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