
Small decisions for smaller waistlines

'Tis the season for big decisions: what to get for gifts, and for whom. Where to eat and what. And each is connected to a gathering filled with merriment where your waistline tends to suffer from all the joy. This holiday ...


US will investigate added caffeine in foods (Update)

Looking for a new way to get that jolt of caffeine energy? Food companies are betting snacks like potato chips, jelly beans and gum with a caffeinated kick could be just the answer.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Study shows that impulsivity is risk factor for food addiction

Have you ever said to yourself that you would only have a handful of potato chips from the bag then, minutes later, realized you ate the whole thing? A recent study shows that this type of impulsive behavior might not be ...


Don't be fooled by foods that sound healthy but aren't

You probably already realize that adding zucchini or carrots to a cake won't magically make it low calorie or healthy. But you might not realize that there are many foods that sound healthy but really aren't.

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