
Eat right to protect your sight

(HealthDay)—A number of nutrients can help keep your eyes healthy, and some may even improve your eyesight, an eye doctor says.

Overweight & Obesity

Controlling obesity with potato extract

Take a look in your pantry: the miracle ingredient for fighting obesity may already be there. A simple potato extract may limit weight gain from a diet that is high in fat and refined carbohydrates, according to scientists ...

Overweight & Obesity

Expanding waistlines weigh heavy on Malaysia

Malaysians have a passionate love affair with their lip-smacking cuisine—rich curries, succulent fried chicken, buttery breads and creamy drinks—but it is increasingly an unhealthy relationship.

Overweight & Obesity

Weight gain doesn't have to be part of Thanksgiving

(HealthDay)—Many people gain weight at Thanksgiving because they eat too much and don't get enough exercise. But, a few simple steps can help you keep your weight under control while still enjoying the holiday, an expert ...


Lose the weight, not the potatoes

A new study demonstrates that people can eat potatoes and still lose weight." Potatoes, Glycemic Index, and Weight Loss in Free-Living Individuals: Practical Implications" is now available through free access from the Journal ...


Aussie kids among world's least active

Australian children are among the least active in the world, ranking behind those in Britain and New Zealand, researchers say warning that the sports-mad nation was raising a "generation of couch potatoes".

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