Psychology & Psychiatry

Study shows that impulsivity is risk factor for food addiction

Have you ever said to yourself that you would only have a handful of potato chips from the bag then, minutes later, realized you ate the whole thing? A recent study shows that this type of impulsive behavior might not be ...


Plugged in but powered down

It's not news that being a couch potato is bad for your health. Lack of physical activity is associated with a range of diseases from diabetes to heart attacks. It now turns out that young men who have experienced depression ...


Why do we love snack food?

Although the Steelers and Eagles didn't make it to the Super Bowl this year, Pennsylvania and Penn State will still be represented on game day—on your plate. And more likely than not, Penn State experts have had a hand ...


Common habits that harm your teeth

Are you wrecking your teeth without even knowing it? For instance, chewing on ice or opening stuff with your teeth may be convenient but using your teeth as tools can cause them to crack or chip.

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