
Study links health risks to electromagnetic field exposure

A study of real-world exposure to non-ionizing radiation from magnetic fields in pregnant women found a significantly higher rate of miscarriage, providing new evidence regarding their potential health risks. The Kaiser Permanente ...


Rice as a source of arsenic exposure

A study just published by a Dartmouth team of scientists in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) advances our understanding of the sources of human exposure to arsenic and focuses attention on the potential ...


Protecting the brain when energy runs low

Researchers from the Universities of Leeds, Edinburgh and Dundee have shed new light on the way that the brain protects itself from harm when 'running on empty.'


New study reveals hidden health risks of indoor fireplaces

During the cold winter months, it is nice to light an indoor fireplace or "braai" for extra warmth. The downside is that you may be inhaling tiny solid or liquid substances that could be harmful to your health.

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