
Why vegan diets for babies come with significant risks

There are now more than 1m vegetarians and 500,000 vegans in the UK – and numbers are thought to be growing. While these people, identified through research commissioned by the Vegan Society, are over 15 years of age, the ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Why people have lateral preferences when kissing and hugging

Typically, a person will initiate a hug with the right hand. Similar preferences are also present in other forms of social touch. The question of handedness plays a role in the process. However, it is not the only relevant ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Even toddlers weigh risks, rewards when making choices

Every day, adults conduct cost-benefit analyses in some form for decisions large and small, economic and personal: Bring a lunch or go out? Buy or rent? Remain single or start a family? All are balances of risk and reward.


Sense of taste influenced by the other four senses

An Internet controversy is raging over whether different colored gummy bears all taste the same. We assume they contain different tastes, but that might not be true. It's possible their color and scent fool our taste buds ...

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