Obstetrics & gynaecology

Interconception preventive care and pregnancy complications

Pregnancy complications can recur, and interconception preventive care may help reduce some pregnancy complications. Preventive visits after an index pregnancy were associated with reduced hypertension in the subsequent pregnancy, ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Placenta plays pivotal 'umpire' role to influence pregnancy outcomes

Researchers have shown for the first time how the placenta "umpires" a fight for nutrients between a pregnant mother and her unborn baby. The study suggests that the placenta will adjust the amount of nutrients transported ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Immune system works differently between first and later pregnancies

Among the holy quests of serious and mysterious medical challenges that doctors and research scientists strive to vanquish is preventing miscarriages, stillbirth and other pregnancy complications including preterm births.

Inflammatory disorders

Diet linked to asthma severity in pregnancy

A University of Adelaide study has found asthmatic women who eat a high-fat, high-sugar diet are more likely to have uncontrolled asthma while pregnant.

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Complications of pregnancy

Complications of pregnancy are the symptoms and problems that are associated with pregnancy. There are both routine problems and serious, even potentially fatal problems. The routine problems are normal complications, and pose no significant danger to either the woman or the fetus. Serious problems can cause both maternal death and fetal death if untreated.

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