
Major US doctors group urges ban on drug ads

Members of a major US medical association called Tuesday for a ban on advertising prescription drugs to consumers, saying the practice helps drive up prices and harms patient health.


TV drug ads: The whole truth?

Consumers should be wary when watching those advertisements for pharmaceuticals on the nightly TV news, as six out of 10 claims could potentially mislead the viewer, say researchers in an article published in the Journal ...


New FDA survey to assess doc attitudes on DTC advertising

(HealthDay)—The U.S. Food and Drug Administration plans to conduct a new survey involving 2,000 health care professionals to examine their views on direct-to-consumer (DTC) advertising of prescription medications. The survey ...


Court ruling may open door to more drug marketing

A decision by a federal appeals court this week could have a dramatic impact on the marketing of prescription drugs in America, potentially affecting patient care and everything from TV drug advertising to future government ...

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