
Conservative Texas judge weighs challenge to abortion pills

A conservative federal judge in Texas heard arguments Wednesday from a Christian group seeking to overturn the Food and Drug Administration's more than 2-decade-old approval of an abortion medication, in a case that could ...


Things to know about drug-facilitated sexual assault

The reality is that the majority of sexual assaults are carried out by friends, acquaintances, partners, exes or by a person someone has met online or at a party. Perpetrators often rely on substances (with or without a person's ...


Antibiotics for acne: Study shows why one works best

A new study brings precision to the understanding of which antibiotics work best for acne treatment and why. This is important for two key reasons. Acne affects nearly everyone at some point in life—it is, in fact, the ...


Medical tourism: Traveling outside US for care is common

The recent kidnapping of four Americans in Mexico highlights a common practice for many people in the U.S.: traveling to other countries for medical care that either is not available at home or costs a lot less.

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