Autism spectrum disorders

Reducing biases about autism may increase social inclusion

Efforts to improve the social success of autistic adolescents and adults have often focused on teaching them ways to think and behave more like their non-autistic peers and to hide the characteristics that define them as ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How kids can benefit from mindfulness training

Now that 2021 is here, many are looking for new ways to manage stress. Although mindfulness and meditation are not new—there is evidence suggesting that humans have been practicing meditation for more than 5,000 years – ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Emotional exhaustion during times of unrest

Local and world events have brought out strong emotions and stressors this year, often one right after another. They include COVID-19, social distancing, quarantines, stay-at-home orders, furloughs, job loss, masking, racial ...

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