
Resolution time of COVID vaccine-related lymphadenopathy

According to ARRS' American Journal of Roentgenology (AJR), axillary lymphadenopathy detected by breast ultrasound after COVID-19 mRNA vaccination lasts longer than reported in initial vaccine clinical trials.


Scientists identify factor that may trigger type 1 diabetes

A team of researchers, led by investigators at the University of Colorado School of Medicine, have identified a new class of antigens that may be a contributing factor to type 1 diabetes, according to an article published ...


How good bacteria can help keep a gut healthy

New research reveals a cellular mechanism by which good bacteria can help the gut stay healthy. The study, which appears in the journal Immunity, shows that good bacteria, or the microbiota, interact with both the epithelial ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How kids can benefit from mindfulness training

Now that 2021 is here, many are looking for new ways to manage stress. Although mindfulness and meditation are not new—there is evidence suggesting that humans have been practicing meditation for more than 5,000 years – ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

What you do every day matters: The power of routines

The word "routine" can bring to mind words like mundane or ordinary. During the pandemic's disruptions to daily life, routines may have felt boring and restrictive. However, as an occupational therapist and researcher of ...


Manipulating the immune system to develop 'next-gen' vaccines

The discovery of how a vital immune cell recognises dead and damaged body cells could modernise vaccine technology by 'tricking' cells into launching an immune response, leading to next-generation vaccines that are more specific, ...

Oncology & Cancer

Tumors disrupt the immune system throughout the body

Cancer treatment has advanced with the advent of immunotherapies that, in some cancers, can overcome tumors' ability to evade the immune system by suppressing local immune responses. But a new study in mice by UC San Francisco ...

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