
Answering common questions about high blood pressure

If you do just one thing to improve your health this year, it could be to gain control over your blood pressure. Cases of high blood pressure, or hypertension—a silent, but dangerous condition—have skyrocketed over the ...

Sleep disorders

Study identifies potential new treatment target for sleep apnea

In a new study with obese mice, Johns Hopkins Medicine researchers say they have added to evidence that specialized channel proteins are possible therapeutic targets for sleep apnea and similar abnormally slow breathing disorders ...


Can you still be healthy if you're overweight?

(HealthDay)—If you're overweight but have dodged chronic health issues like high cholesterol and high blood pressure, you might not think that losing weight is a priority. But an analysis of five years of records on 3.5 ...

Overweight & Obesity

Excess weight in midlife means a sicker old age: Study

Here's a compelling reason to shed those extra pounds: A new study finds that middle-aged people who are obese, or even simply overweight, may face more health problems down the road.

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