Biomedical technology

Want to 3D print a kidney? Start by thinking small

Human organ transplants offer a crucial lifeline to people with serious illnesses, but there are too few organs to go around: in the U.S. alone, there are more than 112,000 people currently waiting for transplants. The promise ...

Medical research

Cells from the eye are inkjet-printed for the first time

(Medical Xpress)—A group of researchers from Cambridge have used inkjet printing technology to successfully print cells taken from the eye for the very first time.The breakthrough, which has been detailed in a paper published ...

Medical research

Organovo announces ability to print 3D human liver tissue

(Medical Xpress)—Organovo Holdings, Inc., a company that designs and creates functional human tissue has announced at this year's Experimental Biology Conference that it has developed a 3D printing technique that is able ...

Medical research

Perfecting 3D-printed blood vessels with pores

Due to the substantial clinical demand for artificial small-diameter vessels (SDVs), numerous commercial products have emerged. However, most existing artificial SDVs lack an endothelial layer, leading to thrombosis. Fabricating ...


Assessing the accuracy of artery models

Hokkaido University researchers have analyzed the suitability of a smooth, flexible and transparent material used to make model arteries for use in medical teaching and surgical training. Their work is described in the Journal ...

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