Psychology & Psychiatry

Probiotics may not always be a silver bullet for better health

To combat the effects of a poor diet, probiotics may be just the thing. However, surprising new research from UNSW suggests probiotics are much less effective when taken alongside a balanced diet, and could even impair certain ...


Mechanism of probiotic health promotion revealed

In several clinical trials, the probiotic bacterium Lactobacillus paracasei DG has been shown to promote health, but until now, the mechanism has remained a black box. New research now suggests that the health benefits arise ...

Medical research

Antimicrobial found to calm inflamed gut in mice

(Medical Xpress)—A team of researchers with the University of California has found that introducing a type of antimicrobial protein called a microcin into the guts of mice with inflamed bowels caused a reduction in the ...

Medical research

Probiotics stop menopause-like bone loss in mice

Probiotic supplements protected female mice from the loss of bone density that occurs after having their ovaries removed, researchers at Emory University School of Medicine and Georgia State University have shown.


Protein from bacteria alleviates food allergy symptoms

Lactobacillus might sound familiar when the topic of probiotics comes up, but they are only one of many types of bacteria that have proven health benefits. In a new study by the Academy for Immunology and Microbiology within ...

Oncology & Cancer

Diagnosing cancer with help from bacteria

Engineers at MIT and the University of California at San Diego (UCSD) have devised a new way to detect cancer that has spread to the liver, by enlisting help from probiotics—beneficial bacteria similar to those found in ...

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