Overweight & Obesity

Special microbes make anti-obesity molecule in the gut

Microbes may just be the next diet craze. Researchers have programmed bacteria to generate a molecule that, through normal metabolism, becomes a hunger-suppressing lipid. Mice that drank water laced with the programmed bacteria ...

Medical research

New study shows therapeutic bacteria prevent obesity in mice

A probiotic that prevents obesity could be on the horizon. Bacteria that produce a therapeutic compound in the gut inhibit weight gain, insulin resistance and other adverse effects of a high-fat diet in mice, Vanderbilt University ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Probiotic treatment for vaginal thrush on the way

Scientists are testing vaginal pessaries containing 'good' probiotic bacteria for the treatment of vaginal thrush. Research published today in the Society for Applied Microbiology's Journal of Applied Microbiology shows that ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Probiotics prevent diarrhoea related to antibiotic use

Probiotic supplements have the potential to prevent diarrhoea caused by antibiotics, according to a new Cochrane systematic review. The authors studied Clostridium difficile (C. difficile) infections in patients taking antibiotics ...

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