
Processed meat linked to premature death

In a huge study of half a million men and women, research in Biomed Central's open access journal BMC Medicine demonstrates an association between processed meat and cardiovascular disease and cancer.

Oncology & Cancer

Unlocking the secrets of DNA repair

Scientists from the University of Sheffield have unlocked one of the secrets to DNA repair—helping doctors identify DNA base damage and a patient's susceptibility to certain types of cancer.


Safer grilling methods might cut cancer risk

(HealthDay) -- A few simple changes in how people grill outdoors, such as avoiding too much beef or processed meats and not charring foods, can aid in cancer prevention, according to an expert.

Oncology & Cancer

Could additives in hot dogs affect incidence of colon cancer?

The addition of ascorbate (vitamin C) or its close relative, erythorbate, and the reduced amount of nitrite added in hot dogs, mandated in 1978, have been accompanied by a steep drop in the death rate from colon cancer, according ...

Oncology & Cancer

Study finds red meat may increase colon polyp risk

(Medical Xpress) -- Cancer investigators from Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center and the Veterans Affairs Medical Center (Tennessee Valley Health System in Nashville) have found that eating a steady diet of red or processed ...

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