Medical research

Supercharged bandages to revolutionise chronic wound treatment

World-first plasma-coated bandages with the power to attack infection and inflammation could revolutionize the treatment of chronic wounds such as pressure, diabetic or vascular ulcers that won't heal on their own.

Oncology & Cancer

Deadlier colon cancer develops differently in women and men

Researchers have found that colon cancer tumor cells produce energy for growth differently in women and men, and that this difference is associated with a more aggressive form of tumor growth with a higher incidence in women.


New software helps improve surgical safety

Because the spine is made up of repeating elements that look alike, surgeons can mistakenly operate on the wrong vertebra. To avoid this, Johns Hopkins researchers have developed a software program that works seamlessly with ...


Moderate hypoglycemia impacts language processing

(HealthDay)—Moderate hypoglycemia is associated with deterioration in language processing in adults with and without type 1 diabetes, according to a study published online March 10 in Diabetes Care.


Data mining opens the door to predictive neuroscience

The discovery, using state-of-the-art informatics tools, increases the likelihood that it will be possible to predict much of the fundamental structure and function of the brain without having to measure every aspect of it. ...

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