Oncology & Cancer

Cigarillo packaging can influence product perception, study finds

Text and pictorial warnings about the health effects of little cigars and cigarillos didn't fully curtail the appeal of bright colors and descriptions of flavors on packaging, a study by University of North Carolina Lineberger ...


Study finds plain packaging helps smokers quit

Plain tobacco packaging in Australia reduced smoking and increased smoker attempts to quit the habit because it led to a fall in the way they identified with their brand, a study led by ANU has found.


Protecting plain tobacco packaging against industry influence

Canada's public consultation on plain packaging for tobacco requires strict guidelines to protect against interference by the tobacco industry, and media must also be wary, according to a commentary in CMAJ (Canadian Medical ...


UN health agency trumpets 'plain packaging' for tobacco

The UN health agency says "plain packaging" on tobacco products has shown to be an effective complement to health warnings, advertising restrictions, and curbs on misleading packaging to help save lives.

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