
Fewer scars in the central nervous system

Neural stem and progenitor cells (NSPCs), from the so-called subventricular zone (SVZ), can help to repair a brain damaged by central nervous system disorders. It is known that the microenvironment within the SVZ directs ...

Oncology & Cancer

Zika inhibits the proliferation of prostate cancer cells

After revealing in a groundbreaking study that Zika virus can be used to combat brain tumors, researchers at the University of Campinas (UNICAMP) in São Paulo State, Brazil, have shown that the pathogen may also be a weapon ...

Medical research

Serotonin is a master regulator of neuroregeneration

Neuroregeneration entails not only neurogenesis, but also regrowth of lost connections and birth of non-neuronal cells. While adult neurogenesis in humans is only known to occur definitively in a few precisely circumscribed ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

A potential Diamond-Blackfan anemia treatment swims into view

Zebrafish, besides being popular in aquariums, make good stand-ins for studying human diseases. They share about 70 percent of their genes with humans, and can be studied at a mass scale, enabling scientists to test hundreds, ...


Study helps explain why exercise guards against heart disease

Regular exercise protects the cardiovascular system by reducing risk factors such as cholesterol and blood pressure. "But we believe there are certain risk factors for cardiovascular disease that are not fully understood," ...

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