Oncology & Cancer

Scientists identify overactive genes in aggressive breast cancers

Scientists at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute have identified an overactive network of growth-spurring genes that drive stem-like breast cancer cells enriched in triple-negative breast tumors, a typically aggressive cancer that ...

Medical research

Gene variation linked to infertility in women, study finds

A variation in a gene involved in regulating cholesterol in the bloodstream also appears to affect progesterone production in women, making it a likely culprit in a substantial number of cases of their infertility, a new ...

Oncology & Cancer

Genome packaging: Key to breast cancer development

Cancer is a complex disease and only thanks to advances in genomic techniques have researchers begun to understand, at a cellular and molecular level, the mechanisms which are disrupted in cancer cells. This knowledge is ...

Medical research

Study identifies new protection mechanism in breast cancer

Researchers at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden have identified a protein that protects against breast tumor growth and that can be linked to a better prognosis in breast cancer patients. The results, which are published in ...

Oncology & Cancer

New target, new drug in breast cancer

Many breast cancers depend on hormones including estrogen or progesterone for their survival and proliferation. Eight years of lab work at the University of Colorado Cancer Center and elsewhere suggest that the androgen (AR) ...

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