Oncology & Cancer

Alternative PSA screening strategies could reduce harm

(HealthDay)—Compared with standard screening, alternative prostate-specific antigen (PSA) screening strategies could maintain good prostate cancer detection rates while reducing overdiagnoses and unnecessary biopsies, according ...

Oncology & Cancer

MRI—prostate cancer screening for the future?

A screening method that combines a traditional PSA test with an MRI detects a significantly greater number of prostate cancer cases and improves diagnostic accuracy. The study was conducted as part of the largest international ...

Oncology & Cancer

Myths about PSA tests and prostate cancer screening

The understanding of prostate cancer has significantly evolved in the past 15 years. However, many people—including primary care providers—may not be aware of the current guidelines for prostate cancer screening, says ...

Oncology & Cancer

Digital rectal exam remains important part of prostate screening

(Medical Xpress)—The digital rectal exam is an important screening test that can discover prostate cancer that a prostate-specific antigen or PSA test may not, despite the higher sensitivity of the PSA test, according to ...

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