Medical research

Scientists discover clue to stopping Lassa virus infection

Lassa fever is a viral illness that is far too common in West Africa. Although it can have a mortality rate of 15% in severe cases, up to 90% in pregnant women, and causes deafness in a quarter of survivors, there is no vaccine ...

Medical research

A reference tissue atlas for the human kidney

A team of researchers including Jens Hansen, Rachel Sealfon, Rajastree Menon, and colleagues of the Kidney Precision Medicine Project, built on an existing specific human kidney tissue atlas relevant to health care at single-cell ...

Medical research

Regenerating the heart after an attack

Heart attacks are damaging, and the severity depends on how long blood flow has been interrupted; when temporarily deprived of oxygen, heart cells die. In addition, the heart can't rebuild its own tissue, leading to its failure, ...

Oncology & Cancer

Different small cell lung cancer subtypes defined

Small cell lung cancer (SCLC) is a malignant disease associated with a particularly high mortality rate. According to a new multicenter study led by MedUni Vienna and conducted in collaboration with researchers from the Czech ...


Head-mounted microscope reaches deeper into mouse brains

Researchers have developed a miniature microscope that is designed for high-resolution 3D images inside the brains of living mice. By imaging deeper into the brain than previously possible with miniature widefield microscopes, ...


Neuroscientists identify mechanism for long-term memory storage

A University of Iowa neuroscience research team has identified a fundamental biochemical mechanism underlying memory storage and has linked this mechanism to cognitive deficits in mouse models of Alzheimer's disease and related ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Helping the body overcome SARS-CoV-2

As messenger substances, interferons stimulate various responses of immune cells and play a key role in activating the immune system. They are proven active agents against various diseases, especially type I interferon alpha ...

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