Medical research

A reference tissue atlas for the human kidney

A team of researchers including Jens Hansen, Rachel Sealfon, Rajastree Menon, and colleagues of the Kidney Precision Medicine Project, built on an existing specific human kidney tissue atlas relevant to health care at single-cell ...

Oncology & Cancer

Drug-resistant cancer cells create own Achilles heel

The cells of most patients' cancers are resistant to a class of drugs, called proteasome inhibitors, that should kill them. When studied in the lab, these drugs are highly effective, yet hundreds of clinical trials testing ...

Medical research

Reprogramming cells to fight diabetes

For years researchers have been searching for a way to treat diabetics by reactivating their insulin-producing beta cells, with limited success. The "reprogramming" of related alpha cells into beta cells may one day offer ...


Neuroscientists identify mechanism for long-term memory storage

A University of Iowa neuroscience research team has identified a fundamental biochemical mechanism underlying memory storage and has linked this mechanism to cognitive deficits in mouse models of Alzheimer's disease and related ...

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