
Molecular bodyguards against Parkinson's disease

Chaperone proteins in human cells dynamically interact with the protein α-Synuclein, which is strongly associated with Parkinson's disease. A disturbed relationship to these "bodyguards" leads to cell damage and the formation ...


A new drug target for liver cancer

National University of Singapore researchers have discovered that the MOAP-1 protein plays a role in reducing liver cancer risk by suppressing the hyper-active cancer-promoting Nrf2 cellular signaling pathway.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Stopping a tiny—and deadly—fly in its tracks

Sixty million people in sub-Saharan Africa live at risk of African sleeping sickness, a disease caused by parasites transmitted through the tsetse fly. In the late stage of the disease, when the parasite crosses the blood-brain ...


Atrial fibrillation: New marker for atrial damage discovered

Atrial fibrillation is a common abnormal heart rhythm. It is treated either with medications or by applying heat or extreme cold to destroy small specific tissue areas in the atrium. This inevitably causes small wounds. A ...


Early nutrition has a long-term metabolic impact

Nutrition during the first days or weeks of life may have long-term consequences on health, potentially via a phenomenon known as the metabolic programming effect, according to a study to be presented Monday, May 2, at the ...

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