Medical research

Scientists find 3D structure of key drug target for diabetes

An international team led by scientists at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) has determined and analyzed the three-dimensional atomic structure of the human glucagon receptor. The receptor, found mainly on liver and kidney ...

Parkinson's & Movement disorders

New research yields insights into Parkinson's disease

Researchers at the University of Toronto Scarborough (UTSC) used an innovative technique to examine chemical interactions that are implicated in Parkinson's Disease.


The search for an early biomarker to fight atherosclerosis

The Journal of the American Heart Association published the conclusive results from a study directed by Dr. Éric Thorin of the Montreal Heart Institute (MHI), which suggests for the first time that a blood protein contributes ...

Oncology & Cancer

Scientists uncover novel mechanism of glioblastoma development

Most research on glioblastoma development, a complicated tumor of the brain with a poor prognosis, has focused on the gene transcription level, but scientists suggest that post-transcriptional regulation could be equally ...

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