
How visual attention affects the brain

New work at the University of California, Davis, shows for the first time how visual attention affects activity in specific brain cells. The paper, published June 26 in the journal Nature, shows that attention increases the ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Friends want to hear from you more than you think

If you've ever hesitated to text or email friends you haven't seen in a while, a new study has a reassuring message: They'll probably appreciate it more than you think.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Faces are more likely to seem alive when we want to feel connected

Feeling socially disconnected may lead us to lower our threshold for determining that another being is animate or alive, according to new research published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Young adults reminisce about music from before their time

Music has an uncanny way of bringing us back to a specific point in time, and each generation seems to have its own opinions about which tunes will live on as classics. New research suggests that young adults today are fond ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

What we learned from teaching a course on the science of happiness

When you deliver a university course that makes students happier, everybody wants to know what the secret is. What are your tips? What are your top ten recommendations? These are the most asked questions, as if there is some ...

Gerontology & Geriatrics

Pickleball helps older adults stay physically active

Pickleball isn't just fun and easy to play—it's also potentially heart healthy. Playing pickleball helped a small group of adults aged 65 years and older reach their recommend weekly dose of moderate to vigorous physical ...

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