
Previous mental distress may slow concussion recovery

(HealthDay)—Athletes may take longer to recover after a concussion if they had psychosomatic symptoms—aches and pains caused by mental distress—before their head injury, new research suggests.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Figuring out what happened in a psychotherapy intervention trial

John Ioannidis, the "scourge of sloppy science" has documented again and again that the safeguards being introduced into the biomedical literature against untrustworthy findings are usually inconsistent and ineffective. ...


Self-rated health predicts immune response to the common cold

It turns out that we may be the best forecasters of our own health. New research from Carnegie Mellon University psychologists shows that a simple self-rating of health accurately predicts susceptibility to the common cold ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Depression increasing across the country

A study by San Diego State University psychology professor Jean M. Twenge shows Americans are more depressed now than they have been in decades.


New study validates new approach to high blood pressure

It truly could be mind over matter after all. University Hospitals Case Medical Center's Richard Josephson, MD, recently released trial results in a study published in Psychosomatic Medicine that discusses mindfulness-based ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Does depression require hospitalization?

A study published in the current issue of Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics has analyzed the difference between day hospital and inpatient stay in depression. Depending on the severity of depression, patients may be treated ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Vitamin D supplementation may be beneficial in depression

(HealthDay)—Vitamin D supplementation has no overall effect on depressive symptoms, but may have a significant effect for those with clinically significant depression, according to a review published online March 14 in ...

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