
Research shows PFAS exposure may delay girls' puberty

Research from the University of Cincinnati shows that exposure to PFAS may delay the onset of puberty in girls. The research was published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives.


Impacts of family structure on puberty onset in girls

Girls who do not live with both parents from birth to age two may be at higher risk of starting puberty at a younger age than girls living with both parents, research published in the open access journal BMC Pediatrics suggests. ...


Amygdala encodes 'cooties' and 'crushes' in the developing brain

Scientists have found a signal in the brain that reflects young children's aversion to members of the opposite sex (the "cooties" effect) and also their growing interest in opposite-sex peers as they enter puberty. These ...


Toxins could make you fat - depending on gut bugs

Could persistent pollutants like DDT and PCBs or chemicals found in plastics be making you fat or diabetic? The answer may depend on what sort of bacteria you have churning around in your gut, according to Cornell scientists.

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