
Showers and change rooms tempt cyclists out in the cold

One of the most effective ways for governments to encourage commuters to cycle, despite temperature extremes or rain, is to provide facilities such as bicycle parking, showers and change rooms, a report shows.


China bans officials from smoking in public

China, which has the world's largest number of smokers, appears to be making another effort at limiting smoking by banning officials from lighting up in public.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Influenza vaccine for 2013: Who, what, why and when?

Questions about who should be vaccinated against influenza are asked each year as the winter (and influenza) season approaches. Even though influenza vaccines have been used since the 1940s, there's still much confusion about ...


Report reveals key concerns of UK's aging society

One in six people in England aged over 50 are socially isolated. They have few socially orientated hobbies, little civic or cultural engagement with society, and may have very limited social networks. This was a key finding ...


Commuting - bad for your health?

A mobile workforce can help improve a country's economy but the effects of commuting on the health of commuters and on the costs to industry in terms of sick days is largely unknown. From a commuter's point of view, the advantages ...


Safety net hospital closures hit poor, uninsured hardest

When safety net hospitals close or switch from not-for-profit to for-profit status, as quite a few did during the 1990s and early 2000s, certain vulnerable groups suffer disproportionately, a new study finds. For instance, ...

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