Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Researchers use light to manipulate mosquitoes

Scientists at the University of Notre Dame have found that exposure to just 10 minutes of light at night suppresses biting and manipulates flight behavior in the Anopheles gambiae mosquito, the major vector for transmission ...


Evolving deep brain stimulation patterns

Duke University biomedical engineers have used computers to "evolve" more effective patterns of electric shocks delivered deep within the brain to treat Parkinson's disease symptoms.

Oncology & Cancer

New method allows surgeons to identify brain tumors in real time

When operating on cancer, surgeons want to remove tumors and not healthy tissue. This is especially important and challenging when dealing with brain tumors, which are often spread out and mixed in with the healthy tissue. ...


Researcher observes active role of auditory neurons

Cells in the brainstem that underlie sound localization, compare signals at the two ears and can pause while doing so. This was shown by researchers at the Laboratory for Auditory Neurophysiology in Leuven, who were the first ...


Memory in silent neurons

When we learn, we associate a sensory experience either with other stimuli or with a certain type of behavior. The neurons in the cerebral cortex that transmit the information modify the synaptic connections that they have ...

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