Medical research

3-D printing offers innovative method to deliver medication

3-D printing could become a powerful tool in customizing interventional radiology treatments to individual patient needs, with clinicians having the ability to construct devices to a specific size and shape. That's according ...


Areas of the brain process read and heard language differently

The brain processes read and heard language differently. This is the key and new finding of a study at the University Department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine at the MedUni Vienna, unveiled on the eve of the European ...

Oncology & Cancer

Low rate of malignancy for BI-RADS category 3 lesions

(HealthDay)—A low malignancy rate is observed for Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System (BI-RADS) category 3 breast lesions detected by screening ultrasonography (US), according to research published in the December ...

Oncology & Cancer

Screen-film mammography bests computed radiography

(HealthDay)—Computed radiography (CR) systems are 21 percent less effective at detecting breast cancers than screen-film mammography (SFM), according to a study published in the September issue of Radiology.

Oncology & Cancer

Overinterpretation common in diagnostic accuracy studies

(HealthDay)—Roughly three in 10 diagnostic accuracy studies published in journals with impact factors of four or higher have overinterpretation, according to a review published in the May issue of Radiology.


Laser liposuction melts fat, results in tighter skin

A new, minimally invasive treatment that uses lasers to melt fat could replace the "tummy tuck," suggests research on more than 2,000 people being presented at the Society of Interventional Radiology's 38th Annual Scientific ...

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