Attention deficit disorders

Some dietary interventions improve ADHD symptoms

(HealthDay)—Under blinded conditions, non-pharmacological treatments for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) show limited evidence of symptom improvement, according to a meta-analysis published online Jan. 30 ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Psychotherapy may help multiple sclerosis patients

A study published in the current issue of Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics indicates that psychotherapy may improve psychological distress and help coping with multiple sclerosis. Psychosocial interventions are often used ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Computerized anxiety therapy found helpful in small trial

A small clinical trial suggests that cognitive bias modification (CBM), a potential anxiety therapy that is delivered entirely on a computer, may be about as effective as in-person therapy or drugs for treating social anxiety ...

Attention deficit disorders

Iron supplements reduce ADHD in low birth weight infants

In a study published today in Pediatrics, scientists at Umeå University in Sweden conclude that giving iron supplements to low birth weight infants reduces the risk of behavior problems like ADHD later in life.

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