Sleep disorders

Poor sleep quality increases risk of high blood pressure

Reduced slow wave sleep (SWS) is a powerful predictor for developing high blood pressure in older men, according to new research in Hypertension: Journal of the American Heart Association.

Medical research

How the brain paralyzes you while you sleep

We laugh when we see Homer Simpson falling asleep while driving, while in church, and even while operating the Springfield nuclear reactor. In reality though, narcolepsy, cataplexy and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep behavior ...

Medical research

'Goldilocks' neurons promote REM sleep

Every night while sleeping, we cycle between two very different states of sleep. Upon falling asleep, we enter non-rapid eye movement (non-REM) sleep where our breathing is slow and regular and movement of our limbs or eyes ...

Medical research

Don't sleep on the hypnotic potential of thalidomide

Thalidomide is a medication with several different effects, one of which is promoting sleep in the context of insomnia. In a new study, researchers from the University of Tsukuba have discovered that thalidomide exerts its ...

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