Psychology & Psychiatry

Early math and reading ability linked to job and income in adulthood

Math and reading ability at age 7 may be linked with socioeconomic status several decades later, according to new research published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science. The childhood ...


Use it or lose it: Mind games help healthy older people too

Cognitive training including puzzles, handicrafts and life skills are known to reduce the risk, and help slow down the progress, of dementia amongst the elderly. A new study published in BioMed Central's open access journal ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Musical aptitude relates to reading ability

Auditory working memory and attention, for example the ability to hear and then remember instructions while completing a task, are a necessary part of musical ability. But musical ability is also related to verbal memory ...


Don't get math? Researchers home in on the brain's problem

Can't calculate a tip or even balance your checkbook? Take heart; maybe you can blame your brain - specifically, the parietal cortex in the top back part of the head. And it could be a problem that has roots not in a failed ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Action video games to fight dyslexia

A study conducted by BCBL, the Basque research center, reveals that action video games improve visual attention and reading ability, two deficits suffered by people with dyslexia. The objective is to use the most useful elements ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Help in reading foreign languages

Recent research into how we learn is set to help people in their efforts to read a second or foreign language (SFL) more effectively. This will be good news for those struggling to develop linguistic skills in preparation ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Mental illness and limited literacy

(Medical Xpress)—Approx­i­mately 47 per­cent of the U.S. pop­u­la­tion reads below an eighth-​​grade level, but the per­centage is sig­nif­i­cantly greater among people using public mental-​​health ser­vices, ...

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